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The Clinic For All / La Clinica De Todos (TCFA) is a bilingual Primary Care community based medical practice.


Category: General

The Joys of Walking

The Joys of Walking

The Joys of Walking But going on foot has other benefits too. The majority of people will agree that a 10 to twenty minute walk in the air is a great method to clarify your thoughts and put your problems…

Water and Sunlight Helps to Clear Acne

Water and Sunlight Helps to Clear Acne

Water and Sunlight Helps to Clear Acne Drink More Water The skin stores around 12% water. It is necessary to keep this quantity with the right quantity of excellent fat to keep your skin from getting acne. You need to…

Much Better Heart Health May Come From Candy

Much Better Heart Health May Come From Candy

Much Better Heart Health May Come From Candy HDL, LDL, triglycerides – the acronyms and regards to the cholesterol debate are entering into our everyday language. Americans are bombarded with reports to raise their HDL (the “good” cholesterol) and lower…

Knowing And Minimizing Your Risks For Stroke

Knowing And Minimizing Your Risks For Stroke

Knowing And Minimizing Your Risks For Stroke You can secure yourself from stroke. That’s simply as well, considering every 45 seconds, somebody in the U.S. has one. It eliminates about 160,000 individuals a year, mostly females; annually, about 40,000 more…

Did You Know Green Tea Secures Against Cancer?

Did You Know Green Tea Secures Against Cancer?

Did You Know Green Tea Secures Against Cancer? Green tea provides catechins which have been determined today as the key element in battling toxins that would contribute towards causing cancer. Some people have considered it as something that would simply…

7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips

7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips

7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips If you have diabetes info about how to manage your condition is important to your well being. If you don’t take care of your feet you risk of establishing sores or infections that could, in…